11:44 AM

 Paris attacks raise concerns about the Syrian refugee crisis 2:29

PARIS, France — More details emerged Monday about the seven attackers responsible for the Paris massacre, as well as their suspected accomplice and a reported mastermind — both of whom remain on the run.

'Ahmad Almohammad'
One of the suicide bombers who brought terror to a packed sports stadium in Paris on Friday entered Europe on a boat packed with migrants last month, Greek officials said.

The attacker landed on the Greek island of Leros on Oct. 3 carrying a Syrian passport and gave his name as Ahmad Almohammad, Greek Immigration minister Ioannis Mouzalas told reporters Sunday.

Mouzalas said he arrived on a boat from Turkey with 198 others — a journey undertaken by tens of thousands of refugees and migrants trying to cross borders into the European Union.

Fingerprints taken by Greek authorities match one of the three attackers who blew themselves up outside the stadium during an international soccer game Friday night, Mouzalas said. However, French justice minister Christiane Taubira told NBC News the passport was likely not genuine.

A Greek document containing the fingerprints of one of the Paris bombers. Greek Alternate Ministry of Immigration Policy

Serbia's Interior Minister told NBC News that a terror suspect of interest to French authorities was registered and requested asylum at the Presevo border crossing from Macedonia on Oct. 7. The ministry would only give the suspect's initials — A.A.

A.A.'s details matched those of an individual registered in Greece four days earlier, the ministry added, saying that it was cooperating with French security services.

Sami Amimour
The 28-year-old French native, from the northern Paris suburb of Drancy, near Saint Denis, was among the attackers at the Bataclan concert hall.

Prosecutors in Paris said Amimour was charged with links to terrorism in October 2012 and placed under court order, but an international arrest warrant was issued for him in 2013 in relation to a failed attempt to visit Yemen.

Three members of his family were detained early Monday, officials said.

Ismael Omar Mostefai
The 29-year-old of Algerian descent lived in Chartres, about 60 miles southwest of Paris, until at least 2012.

He was under the watch of French intelligence services from 2010 for reported radicalization.

An unnamed senior Turkish government official says Turkey flagged Mostefai as a possible terror suspect in December 2014 and June 2015, but only got a return request for information on him after the Paris attacks.

The Turkish official said Mostefai entered Turkey in 2013 but authorities have no record of him leaving.

Meanwhile, BFM-TV said he briefly appeared in a rap video posted online in 2009.

Jean-Pierre Gorges, mayor of Chartres, said Mostefai had a past history of petty criminality and had been arrested for theft and drug offences.

Abdallah Benali, president of the mosque in the Chartres suburb of Luce, denied Gorges' claim that Mostefai prayed there and said his mosque was not linked to extremism.

Brahim Abdeslam
The 31-year-old French resident of Belgium blew himself up at the Comptoir Voltaire cafe, French judicial sources told The Associated Press.

He is the brother of Salah Abdeslam, a key suspect still at large.

Bilal Hadfi
The 20-year-old was one of the suicide bombers who targeted the Stade de France sports stadium, French judicial sources told The Associated Press.

Salah Abdeslam
A manhunt was still ongoing Monday for the eight suspect in the attacks, whose name was on rental documents for a Belgian-registered black Volkswagen Polo found outside the Bataclan concert hall where most of the 130 victims were killed.

Border officials stopped, questioned and released Salah Abdeslam at daybreak on Saturday - hours after the attack, but before an alert about him had circulated.

He is is the brother of one of the deceased attackers, officials said.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud
A leading Belgian jihadist who is one of the most active ISIS operators in Syria is the suspected mastermind behind the Paris massacre and is still at large, according to reports.

A French official with direct knowledge of the investigation but who was not authorized to be publicly identified as speaking about the probe also told The Associated Press that Abdelhamid Abaaoud was the likely mastermind.

Abaaoud, who once boasted about evading Western intelligence, is also said to be linked to the thwarted attacks in a Paris-bound high-speed train and a church near the French capital earlier this year.

Source : http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/paris-terror-attacks/paris-attacks-stade-de-france-bomber-arrived-migrant-boat-n464021?cid=eml_nmn_20151116

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