WASHINGTON — For four years, they sat together in the Situation Room, the ultimate team of rivals confronting the world’s thorniest problems, mostly on the same page, sometimes decidedly not, but generally presenting a united front to the outside world.

Now, with the administration’s approach to Syria seemingly in tatters, the differences between President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have opened a fresh wedge between the two, with Mrs. Clinton arguing for a more robust approach and Mr. Obama dismissing her ideas as campaign politics.

The exchange over the last two days brings to the fore a split on policy that has long divided the current president and his putative heir apparent, but it also reinforces the challenge for a Democratic candidate to define her own approach without alienating the incumbent head of her party. A serious debate in the Situation Room now plays itself out on the campaign trail with all the inherent stress points.

The Syria schism is just one of several areas where Mrs. Clinton has departed from the administration in recent weeks. She came out against the Keystone XL pipeline last month, while the administration remains undecided. She opposed drilling for oil in the Arctic just after the administration granted permits to Royal Dutch Shell to do so.

She said she would probably have voted against a measure granting Mr. Obama so-called fast-track authority to negotiate an Asian-Pacific trade agreement. And a few weeks ago, she said the Obama administration has “not done enough” to impose costs on Russia for its intervention in Ukraine.

Syria, however, remains an open sore unlike the others. Mrs. Clinton not only argued for more aggressive policy while in office, but is now looking ahead 15 months, anticipating that, if she wins the presidency, she will inherit the mess in the Middle East. Mr. Obama has said he expects to pass to his successor the war against the Islamic State terrorist group occupying parts of Syria and Iraq.

Mrs. Clinton made her frustration with the current approach clear on Thursday in interviews with Boston television stations. “I personally would be advocating now for a no-fly zone and humanitarian corridors to try to stop the carnage on the ground and from the air,” she told WHDH-TV.

The White House has rejected a no-fly zone for years and repeated its position this week. “It raises a whole set of logistical questions about how exactly — what would be enforced, what sort of resources would be used to actually protect that area,” said Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary. “So that’s why, at this point, we’ve indicated that that’s not something that we’re considering right now.”

At a news conference at the White House on Friday, Mr. Obama complained that critics of his Syria policy had no viable alternatives, just “half-baked ideas” that amounted to “a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.” Asked if that included Mrs. Clinton, he tried to avoid tagging her with that label, but dismissed what he called campaign rhetoric.

“Hillary Clinton is not half-baked in terms of her approach to these problems,” Mr. Obama said. “She was, obviously, my secretary of state. But I also think that there’s a difference between running for president and being president, and the decisions that are being made and the discussions that I’m having with the Joint Chiefs become much more specific and require, I think, a different kind of judgment.”

He denied that he meant she should know better, but then emphasized again that she is now a candidate. “I think Hillary Clinton would be the first to say that when you’re sitting in the seat that I’m sitting in, in the Situation Room, things look a little bit different — because she’s been right there next to me,” he said.

Denying that Mrs. Clinton’s position was a campaign ploy, Nick Merrill, her spokesman, said on Saturday that she discussed a no-fly zone with allies when she was in office and saw it as part of a broader strategy. “As the president said yesterday, she was there in the Situation Room with him and knows these are hard choices,” he said.

As secretary, she was there next to Mr. Obama and offered a different prescription then as well, long before she was a candidate. As secretary, she joined with David H. Petraeus, then the C.I.A. director, and Leon E. Panetta, then the defense secretary, to push a plan to arm and train moderate Syrian rebels.

Mr. Obama rejected the idea and did not change his mind until later, when he authorized a limited assistance program by the C.I.A. By the time he finally came around last year and began a military program to train Syrian opposition forces, it turned out badly. By the Pentagon’s own account, just four or five American-trained rebels are in the fight.

White House officials said that the result showed the idea was never a good one, and that critics — Mrs. Clinton presumably included, even if not explicitly named — should admit that it was never a panacea.

Critics said Mr. Obama waited too long, until rebels who were open to working with the Americans had given up and allied themselves with radical groups. Moreover, they said the program was fundamentally flawed from the start because it would require rebels to fight only the Islamic State and not the forces of President Bashar al-Assad, whom they want to topple..

Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton are left in the awkward position of disagreeing and having different priorities for the moment. The president wants to defend his policy and deflect blame for a four-year-old civil war that has ravaged a country. His former secretary of state wants to show what she would do differently. And Republicans pounce at any sign of disagreement. “Ouch,” a Republican statement said after Mr. Obama “brushed back” Mrs. Clinton on Friday.

Mrs. Clinton has made clear her disagreements about Syria before. Last year, she lamented the failure to build a credible opposition force against Mr. Assad. “The failure to do that left a big vacuum, which the jihadists have now filled,” she told Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic. More broadly, she assailed Mr. Obama’s cautious approach to foreign policy. “ ‘Don’t do stupid stuff’ is not an organizing principle,” she said.

She and Mr. Obama later papered over the dispute by “hugging it out,” as a Clinton aide put it at the time, when both were visiting Martha’s Vineyard. But for all the hugging, the difference of opinion remained.

Source : http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/04/world/syria-exposes-split-between-obama-and-clinton.html?_r=0
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