Islamist insurgents shoot dead 56 members of Syrian government forces in a mass execution at airbase captured from the army earlier this month in north-west Syria, says monitor 

Syrian Regime soldiers being taken hostage at the Abu Al-Duhur   Airbase in Idlib on September 9 2015 Photo:Anadolu Agency/Getty Images                              

Islamist rebels operating in north-west Syria executed at least 56 government troops after overrunning a strategic military airport, a watchdog group confirmed on Saturday.
The soldiers had been captured after the fall of Abu al-Duhur airbase in Idlib earlier in September.

Ammunition is seen at the Abu Al-Duhur Airbase after it was captured by Islamist rebels  Photo: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

On Friday, opposition supporters on Twitter uploaded a video depicting soldiers lined up on the tarmac as militants walk nearby.
Subsequent pictures show the soldiers killed, their bloodied corpses on the ground. A bearded fighter triumphantly poses before the camera, one foot placed on the head of a dead soldier.

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The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a pro-opposition monitor based in the UK with a network of activists on the ground, confirmed the executions on Saturday, raising the death toll on the government side to 71 loyalists, according to SOHR head Rami Abdul Rahman.

Fighters from the group gather around a Syrian government forces aircraft inside the airbase

Abu al-Duhur, a strategic military airport located 30 miles southeast of Idlib city, had been besieged by opposition forces for more than two years.

It was the last remaining government stronghold in Idlib province, which was overrun by a loose coalition of Islamist factions called the Army of Conquest in a ferocious campaign last March.

Nine days ago, the Army of Conquest, as well as al-Qaeda's Syrian affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra and the Turkistan Islamic Party, launched an attack on the base during an hours-long sandstorm.

With air defences crippled due to low visibility, militants broke through the defensive perimeter and killed dozens of government soldiers while taking others captive.

  Islamists guard the entrance to the air base.                                
Syrian pro-government media had confirmed the fall of the airport, but insisted the soldiers protecting the base had withdrawn safely after inflicting "grave losses against the terrorists," the routine term used by the government to describe the opposition fighting to wrest control of the country from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Mr Rahman claimed that "up to this moment, not a single regime soldier has reached any area controlled by the regime."
"There are still missing people aside from those killed and captured, but none of them have reached any regime checkpoint."

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